Quick Challenge #002 — CC Checkout Page

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Design a credit card checkout form or page. Don’t forget the important elements such as the numbers, dates, security numbers, etc.

Time Limit

< 2 hours

Personal Design Goals

1. Use Material Design

2. Create a CC Image

3. Light & Dark Theme

Key Takeaways

I probably spent the most time fumbling around with a buggy Material UI Kit. In hindsight, I would have been faster to simply recreate the elements from scratch since there were so few Material elements used on this page. It was a free Material UI Kit for Sketch, so I can’t complain.

Where the UI Kit did help the most was quickly switching items over to the Dark Theme once everything was laid out for the Light Theme. 

I enjoy these challenges because they force me to make quick decisions and “get out of my own way”. While I do believe that the perfect corner radius can make a big difference in a design, if at the end of 2 hours I only had a great looking credit card image, it would not have satisfied the assignment. 

There were other rabbit holes I was tempted to run down, but I set aside for the sake of honoring the time cap. With more time, I would have liked to: 

  • Show a checkout step visual with Shipping Info, then Payment Details, and then Confirm Order as the last step
  • Import and use Android specific fonts
  • Created a more interesting background design for the final image
  • Add a curved effect to the sides of the final designs, to look more like the edge to edge curve of most Android phones

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